Shift Tasks
When you clock in to your shift, the Shift Details page will display a list of the client specific tasks to be completed during your shift. Each task includes a YES and NO button. You must mark tasks as completed YES or NO prior to clocking out.
When you complete a task, tap the YES button.
When you complete a task, tap the YES button.
If you would like to leave a comment for a completed task, tap the task to display the Task Details to display the Leave a comment section. Input your comment and click the Submit button. Tap the X button to the left of Task Details at the top of the page to exit out of the Task Details page.
When you do not complete a task, select the NO button. The Task Details page will display and you will be required to leave a comment. Input your comment and click Submit. Tap the X button to the left of Task Details at the top of the page to exit out of Task Details.