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Looking for Home Care Assistance? You’re in the right place! Search for your local office

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Helpful advice for families and professionals from the experts in caregiving at TheKey.

Surgery can be hard on the body. After surgery, you or a loved one may experience a higher risk of infection, falls, pneumonia, or decreased mobility. One of the most important things to focus on while healing from surgery is nutrition.
Helpful resources and information for family caregivers
and others supporting an older loved one at home.
Professional respite care provides your loved one with a trained caregiver while offering you, as the family caregiver, a much-needed break. Learn why respite care is so important for a long-term care plan—and the options available to you.
Too many seniors are missing out on a good night’s sleep, which is impacting their overall health and wellness. TheKey is here to help with the tips and tools for improving sleep in older adults, including a personal sleep tracker.
The FAST scale assesses the “functional” or daily observable changes and symptoms associated with Alzheimer’s disease or other dementias — and it can provide a useful map, as well as much greater understanding of the process of decline. But did you know that family members and loved ones can use this tool as well?
Insights and information for care-continuum professionals
and others who support our older population.
How do you know when it’s time to increase your loved one’s care plan to around-the-clock care? When safety becomes an issue—or family caregivers are feeling exhausted and their health is at risk.
Our clinical psychologist and Director of Memory Care at TheKey offers insights and advice to family caregivers on how to stay calm and manage feelings of caregiver anger—before boiling over.
Would you know if a loved one was struggling with their mental health? Here are some warning signs to look for, and ways to help.
Help us understand your care needs. Then we’ll set up a free phone consultation so you
can get the right support and services to live and age successfully at home.
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